First of all may I wish you all a blessed life in our lord Jesus Christ. This site is here for you, may it lead teach and inspire you in the ways of heaven and the Holy Spirit. There are chapters available which outline key elements of scripture that I have used to keep and maintain an orderly life. This is my testimony and the information found here has helped hundreds of businesses.

For those of you who are actively involved in the leadership call on Wednesday mornings, I will give a brief outline for assignments so that you have a template to work from. In addition, you will find an exciting collection of worship music. It is available for you to play one at a time or in an album format. Download is only available upon request.

All titles are original music written with the express purpose to motivate you. If you choose to live a relevant, successful and meaningful life you’ll find that it is nearly impossible on this planet. The decision to be correct is a challenge every day on an hourly basis, however, if you can just try, a little every minute to be better than your best… to pay it forward as they say, well, wouldn’t that be a different equation? What might happen to you? Maybe, something very, very good? 



Each and every one of us is made in the image of God. If you let God, He will direct you from the hands of fate into the hands of destiny.

Mediocrity is not where any of us want to be. We are all blessed with divine direction in the gifts that we have been given. God’s grace and mercy is amazing. How many things will you do today in His Holy Name? Music, corporate turnaround, family, and all the challenges that go with everything will be on my calendar today. I thank Him for what He has done, what He is doing right now, and what He is about to do in your life and mine.




"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."